Math Practice Can be Fun

In our home, we’re using a variety of resources, including lots and lots of gameschooling and CTCMath to take the stress out of math time, especially when reinforcing the basics.

A Case for Deschooling

Deschooling is an exploratory period that allows families to take time to discover who they are, how they learn, what they naturally gravitate towards, and then develop a system and philosophy that works for them. 

It’s a chance to breathe, to look again at our kids and what makes them tick, and then choose a path based on our children’s needs, interests, and strengths.

Why Gifted Kids often Thrive in Homeschooling

Homeschooling is increasing in popularity in many circles around the globe, and one of the fastest areas of growth is actually among families with gifted kids. While there are as many reasons for homeschooling as there are families that choose this option, the following are some of the main reasons gifted kids often end up at home, whether for a year or two or for a longer duration.

Gameschooling and Sibling Cooperation

U-Build Monopoly, Snap Circuits, Playmobil and Magnetic Tiles have been taking over the floor of the living room. In all of these, the kids are involved in creative problem solving, negotiation, cooperation, and navigating social situations.
I’m constantly amazed at how much the kids learn and stretch themselves in the context of play.
To read more about how we play and what we prioritize, check out my post over at My Little Poppies.