Using HOMER for Online Reading Practice

We’ve tried a number of different reading apps over the years, some paid, and some free, and right now my 6 year olds are using HOMER for their reading practice. We’ve been using it for about a month now, and it’s been a good addition to our homeschool toolbox. 

A Case for Deschooling

Deschooling is an exploratory period that allows families to take time to discover who they are, how they learn, what they naturally gravitate towards, and then develop a system and philosophy that works for them. 

It’s a chance to breathe, to look again at our kids and what makes them tick, and then choose a path based on our children’s needs, interests, and strengths.

Gifted Kids and the Rejection of External Motivation

Every once in a while, though, a student came along who was so disenchanted by the educational system, so convinced that it was irrelevant, that he did everything possible to declare his independence.
By the time they got to me, at age 15, it was almost too late.
What can we do in the early years to help kids stay engaged and motivated so they don’t reject the system and end up failing out of school?