Gifted Kids Need Biographies

When we connect with people, even through their biographies, they can inspire and challenge us.
When we read about others with similar interests who go on to do great things, that makes us more willing to try hard things as well.

Tie Dye Towels – Summer Fun and a Father’s Day Gift

The kids & I just made their Papa a fun AND PRACTICAL Father’s Day gift. It turned out great and was pretty easy. I also had each kid make their own summer towels with their names or decorations of choice on them. They love them!

Books with Quirky Characters – Day 5

I promised a list of some of our favorite books with quirky main characters.

I’m always on the hunt for high quality books which feature characters who may seem not to fit in but are still loved and valued for who they are.

Lessons in Adulting – Self Regulation

We can’t ask ourselves or our kids to control that which they do not see, any more than we can ask a colorblind person to match the colors or someone listening to loud music to respond to verbal commands. It doesn’t work.