A Case for Deschooling

Deschooling is an exploratory period that allows families to take time to discover who they are, how they learn, what they naturally gravitate towards, and then develop a system and philosophy that works for them. 

It’s a chance to breathe, to look again at our kids and what makes them tick, and then choose a path based on our children’s needs, interests, and strengths.

Why Gifted Kids often Thrive in Homeschooling

Homeschooling is increasing in popularity in many circles around the globe, and one of the fastest areas of growth is actually among families with gifted kids. While there are as many reasons for homeschooling as there are families that choose this option, the following are some of the main reasons gifted kids often end up at home, whether for a year or two or for a longer duration.

Smartick Math – a review

This isn’t an ad, a paid review, or anything related. My 6yo just finished a free two-week trial of Smartick Math, and we decided it isn’t the program for us. Recently, at least in the circles I frequent, there’s been a buzz about Smartick Math – how kids ask to do math, don’t complain, stealth…


We live in a state that has relatively strict homeschool reporting requirements, including a comprehensive year-long plan due in the summer before the upcoming school year, with plans and curriculum for each of the required subjects. While I’m diligently completing this requirement to convince the district that we take home education for our six year…